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  • Writer's pictureRoxanne S. Spychalski

The Pressures of LinkedIn in the Legal Profession

I created my LinkedIn account after a lecturer at university explained to me that it’s the best way to go to obtain a career in law, and especially to network. While I do agree that the platform itself is a very good networking medium, I can’t help but see that it has a tendency to de-motivate, as well…rather paradoxically.

I have always been very motivated and determined, but since joining LinkedIn I’ve also realised how much pressure can build upon your shoulders because of the competitive nature of the legal profession. Every time I open the app, I am met with other’s people’s celebrations and announcements of their successes.

It feels so distant.

So many people share about their successful experiences, and as much as I am happy for them and commend them for that…I can’t help but wish that they would also share more information about the struggles in their journey.

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